Tomodachi Life Apartments

Jun 18, 2014  Mini Gamers has noticed that a few of you have been inquiring about how to get your Miis to fall in love and become sweethearts in Tomodachi Life. Well, as in real life, the game contains an element of chance, so there is no sure-fire way to be certain that the two Miis you wish to match up will actually fall for each other, as it all depends on their compatibility and personality traits, but.

Tomodachi Life Apartments

Tomodachi Life All Apartments

  • Publisher:
  • US, EU
  • Genre:
  • April 18, 2013
4.1/5(7 votes )

Also known as “Tomodachi Collection: Shin Seikatsu” in Japan and “Chin’gumoa Apateu” in Korean. What’s more fun than living in a dream world where famous singers are your neighbors or you can create the craziest relationships in life through Tomodachi Life. At the beginning of the game, you will be taken to an anonymous island and only you can name it. Then you will be customized for yourself, maybe similar to you in real life or even lice just like your idols. You will then be moved to an apartment and start a whole new life. Each character in the game will have a unique personality, which is really interesting, you can buy clothes, houses or food for them, some may like but some are not. You have to take care of each citizen, buy medicine for them when you are sick, or reconcile when they quarrel, etc. Every time you help someone, you will get back the corresponding amount. If you think that’s all, now the best part, you can make other characters look like they are most like you, then you can do anything even create their own idol then marriage them and childbirth. With simple 2D graphics, but the way to play is extremely creative and fun, what are you waiting for without participating in the perfect world created by yourself.

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3DS File
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CIA File

This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

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Don't Try This at Home indeed.
  • Some of the more WTF dreams can fall into this:
    • The 'Mirror' dream is pretty unsettling, especially the variation where the Mii is looking in a mirror when suddenly another Mii in the background of the mirror reflection slides up from the ground. The Mii looks behind them to see no one and starts shivering with fear, then look back around and the Mii has suddenly shown up in front of them waving, which scares the crap out of them. It's a scene that wouldn't at all be out of place in a slasher film.
    • The 'Ritual' dream is quite eerie due to how the Miis are shown worshipping an item:
    'All hail the [name of food or treasure]!'note
    • The 'Drive' dream comes off as unsettling somehow, and is somewhere near Nothing Is Scarier. The entire dream consists of two Miis driving down a winding, wooded road in the middle of the night while the dreaming Mii sits on the dashboard as a bobblehead. The driving Mii will randomly slam on the brakes and begin asking the passenger strange questions and saying weird things. Luckily, they mostly just ask everyday things, such as where the next supermarket is, or whether they can stop for a food break.
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  • When waking up from a dream, sometimes instead of commenting on it afterwards, the Mii will perform an eerily-slow Aside Glance at the camera without saying a word, then immediately head back to sleep. Super creepy.
  • The unoccupied apartments, which are solid white unlit rooms. Nothing happens in them, but the complete lack of activity just makes them look very spooky. Furthermore, a similar type of room can actually be bought. It's just an empty white void. In fact, it's one of the cheapest rooms in the entire game at only $20. Finally, unlike the Humble and Jail interiors, some Miis will actually react positively to being given this.
  • A Mii's desperate plea of 'I need to eat something! ANYTHING!' can trigger this in those who are afraid of starvation, or just worried that they're neglecting that Mii.
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  • A Mii's reaction upon eating the food they hate the most: They will suddenly turn gray and look terrified as a Scare Chord plays and they melt into the ground. It's the most scary when you feed a Mii this for the first time.
  • When erasing a Mii, instead of the usual sad departure that a lot of other games do, the message will say, '(Mii's name) seems to have moved away somewhere...' Once this happens, it gets worse. Did you lock the news that Mii you deleted reported? If you rewatch it, another Mii has now taken their place. Do their best friend or partner/spouse care? Not in the slightest. If you deleted a couple's child, you can still watch their version of the credits, but if you instead delete a traveling Mii's parent, their name is gone and replaced with Unknown. The Mii's almost completely unpersoned.
  • Deleting your save data makes your look-alike Mii shrink down to nothingness while remembering their times with you.
  • The 'Stretchy-Face Challenge' news report, pictured above. It involves a Mii's face becoming disturbingly wide, and it goes deep enough into Uncanny Valley that it becomes somewhat creepy.
  • If you visit a married Mii while they're in their house, they'll turn to look at you with a shocked expression. If you do this while they're playing peekaboo with their baby, their head will continue shaking back and forth as they do, making them look a bit like victims of a demonic possession.
  • It is possible for a Traveler Mii you sent out to be erased, either because the owner of the island they are on chose to delete their game data or turn off StreetPass (physical copies), the island's corresponding game copy got lost, stolen, or damaged (digital copies), or the SD card and/or associated 3DS got lost. And unless the island owner is someone you know or somehow manages to get in contact with you, you will never know it happened.
  • The low and brooding ticking that takes place when a Mii is trying to work things out with their partner as they are staring at each other in silence in a dark room. If they fail, both Miis will fall to the ground, grabbing and shaking their heads while the clock chimes ominously.
  • The first time the player comes in on a Mii after a particularly nasty fight can be unsettling. The music gets very aggressive, the Mii attains a Battle Aura and will refuse to listen to reason.
  • In the case of a huge fight, if the fighting Miis refuse to make up, they keep throwing things at each other at a fast speed as the heavy metal music instantly resumes, while the third Mii who intervened stares very disappointed and ducks for cover.
  • The angry Death Glare that fighting Miis use when staring down each other in close-up during the 'try to stop a huge fight' cutscenes can be rather creepy and unsettling, complete with a dramatic sting to match.
  • A Mii receiving a Mysterious Letter telling them to go up to the roof is a complete Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, and what the senders says is completely random. Some of the things the sender can say sound bizarrely sinister:
    'Please go back to your apartment, and don't look back.'
    'You're the only one who doesn't know what's going on.'
    'Shh! They're watching us from the sky. Let's abort this meeting for now.'
    'I will wait for you. Forever...'
    'What happens to us if the save data gets erased...?'
  • It leans more towards Paranoia Fuel, but seeing a friendship icon on the apartment of a Mii that has a low relationship status with their sweetheart/spouse can count as this, because there's a high chance that the Mii may want to break up with their sweetheart/spouse. If you suspect that this is happening, save your game and see what they want and, if they do want to break up, have them work things out. If things go downhill, reset the game and reboot it and then just repeat the process until they decide to try their relationship again.
