Tomodachi Life Kinda Getting Along

Sep 08, 2014 Marriage and child-rearing are just two of the many events that occur in Nintendo's wacky and ever-popular 3DS game, Tomodachi Life.Throughout these events, players are expected to perform a set of mini-games, which are fun, but which can also prove quite tricky and frustrating at times. Aug 16, 2017  Oh look, more Tomodachi Life stuff:D Two of my OCs, Ayana and Abdon, broke up a few weeks ago. Today, Ayana told me she wanted to get back together with Abdon. Spoiler alert: it doesn't go so well.

  1. Tomodachi Life Kinda Getting Along Song
  2. Tomodachi Life Kinda Getting Along Quotes
* If a couple ends up fighting and one of them doesn't accept the apology- instead of offering to apologize and return things to the way they were (or if their relationship status sticks below 'Getting along OK' for too long), they'll instead go 'Things aren't going so great with me and [Mii's name]...'[[note]]In the North American version.[[/note]] without any warning. From there you're presented with two options. 'Move on' or 'Work it out'. The former causes the two to break up or divorce, which will end their relationship and [[HoistByHisOwnPetard launch both of them into a]] HeroicBSOD. The latter option does the same, complete with both Miis in a dark room and a ScareChord if they fail to get together. What makes this bad is that unlike with most other events/problems with a Mii, where there is an option to just leave the Mii be with whatever problems they have, you cannot TakeAThirdOption to try and make the Miis happier before they try to work things out. Like the above mentioned example, this can happen even if one of the two Miis' relationship level is at the highest level. As long as it says 'Getting along OK', 'Kinda getting along', or 'Not getting along' on one of the Miis' relationship status, they 'will' ask for a breakup/divorce at every opportunity.

:question: About :question:

Full name: :neutral_face:

Nickname: Applliss

Birthday: 3/15

Favorite color: Yellow

Creator: Myself

Age: Child

Level: 16

:bicyclist: ‍♀Movement :bicyclist: ‍♀

Moves pretty slowly

Speaks pretty directly

Tomodachi Life Kinda Getting Along Song

Pretty expressive

Pretty relaxed

Very quirky

:heartpulse: Personality :heartpulse:

Outgoing, Charmer

:fries: Favorite Foods :fries:

Super all-time fav: ???

All-time fav: ???

Worst: ???

Worst ever: ???

Favorite food 1: French Fries (Just like in real life!)

Favorite food 2: French toast

Favorite food 3: Soda

:couple_with_heart: Relationships :couple_with_heart:

Sweetheart: Guy (Kinda getting along)

Best friend: Prwishes (just like in real life) (Getting along ok)

Best buds:


Tiger boy

Person girl

Stikbot girl


Great pals:

Tomodachi Life Kinda Getting Along Quotes

Spinny boi

Good pals:


Getting along ok:

Penny dog

Girl's brother

My dad

Kinda getting along:




Not getting along:

Idk her nickname

My mom


:video_game: Items owned :video_game:

Adopt a cat coupon

Nintendo 3DS XL

Cell phone


(If you're wondering about the weird names those are just names I made up because they're look alikes probably don't want their real name revealed)